Choosing Right Front-End Framework: Angular vs React vs Vue.js


May 16, 24

Reading Time

5 minutes





    Table of content
    Relinns Careers Website
  • Understanding Basics
  • Angular JS
  • React JS
  • Vus. JS
  • On a Final Note
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Redesigning a front-end infrastructure involves considerable thought, deliberation, decision-making, planning, management, and implementation. One of the first considerations we had to make was which front-end framework to use to revamp our products. We've spent months researching to make a better judgment on this emotional subject, holding conversations, creating proof of concepts, interviewing colleagues with relevant experience in other organizations, and reading plenty of material online. Each of these has its own set of distinguishing characteristics. However, selecting one focuses on key considerations other than technical ones. Let's go over this in more detail below.

Understanding Basics

What is a Framework?

A software framework is a collection of pre-built components, libraries, and tools. All of these are grouped to provide a foundational structure for software development. It can ease the creation of software applications by providing generic functionality. You can further customize or enhance it. Generally, It consists of a set of libraries, APIs, and tools that may be used to create apps with specified functionality. These are intended to facilitate the development process by providing an organized way to:

  • Construct
  • Administer
  • Customise (Extend software applications)

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What’s the main purpose of a framework?

These are available to avoid unnecessarily writing code a particular functionality from scratch.

But, it cannot introduce the Customisable features

One can customize the framework by adding a few lines of code to get the specific functionality they’re seeking.

What are some advantages of using a framework?

  • Reuse the code for some common functionality and save time and effort.
  • Developers can easily build the web applications with speed as they don’t have to start from scratch.
  • Identifying and fixing the errors using a framework is much easier.

What is a Library?

Libraries are useful tools that can make a developer's tasks efficient. Here is how, programmers can find pre-written, reusable pieces of code and use them to create applications quickly and easily. In general, reusable code collections attempt to solve specific common problems. The library usually has a number of pre-coded components, each used for different purposes.

What’s the purpose of a Library?

It is used to facilitate the reusability of a code and save the time and effort of a programmer.

How is the library different from the framework?

The main difference lies in the terms of control. When you’re using the library, you choose when and where you are going to implement the library in the code. Whereas in the framework, you can add a few lines to code to get the desired functionality. The framework ultimately determines whether the code you gave is compatible and can be used entirely or not. Today's discussion will center on two frameworks and a library.

  • Angular JS
  • React JS
  • Vue JS

The discussion aims to highlight the specific benefits, drawbacks and features in a way that is relevant and applicable to business considerations. Let’s get started.

Angular JS

The main reason why a lot of people prefer to choose Angular is due to its frequent updates. It makes updates every six months, where bugs and errors on the previous version generally are removed. However, you should track the last update because your code might be affected if there is a major one. But, google gives you a year to modify your code. All functionalities are almost packed in Angular’s official library. It has good code and you don’t need to concern yourself with security. Angular is perceived by many as strong and resilient because it can handle a variety of tasks that are associated with web development. Its official library has diverse sets of features, so programmers will not have to depend on some other encompassing one. Google developed it, ensuring its validity and sophisticated security. These factors contribute to high coding standards. Additionally, when a programmer is assigned specific functionalities that the app needs, it eliminates additional costs related to developing such an application. Angular JS uses Typescript. It is referred to as the simplified JavaScript. Its use is also beneficial with regard to code maintenance as a dev can quickly find and rectify the errors while typing. Thus, it offers a simplified procedure. This is a laudable approach to testing since it fetches the dependencies, which are remote code repositories. Nevertheless, one of the important features is that it splits the user interface and functionality. This implies that UI uses simple HTML and functionality is provided in Javascript. However, this can be rather beneficial because devs do not need to worry about program flows. Now, this can prove to be very advantageous as devs can focus on improving the UI with the functionalities without even worrying about the program flows.

React JS

React JS, an open-source JavaScript library. Facebook launched it in 2013, and it gained popularity for developing interactive web and mobile apps. Programmers can reuse code blocks for simple functions. This promotes efficient development practices. Although it's considered tougher than Vue, it has a less steep learning curve compared to Angular JS. Another cool thing about it is you've more control over the library. Here, you can incorporate only the parts you desire. It's ideal for those programmers who need a high level of customization in their app development. Using react JS, you get faster website loading times. React's developer tools, such as browser extension, even allow you to make quick UI edits. One can easily adapt by observing the application's current state. What can be more cool?

Vus. JS

Vus. is newer than the existing frameworks. Due to this, there is a detailed time assessment of its advantages and drawbacks. However, it's known to everybody that it combines features of two popular frameworks, Angular and React. Despite being new, vue.js has gained quite a lot of traction, especially in the Asian market. Major startups such as Alibaba and Xiaomi adopted it for their development needs. TezJS, which is known as the fastest JavaScript framework, is believed to use Vue as its primary foundation.

On a Final Note

In conclusion, the decision between React, Vue, and Angular hinges on various factors, including project requirements, developer preferences, and business objectives. Angular's robustness and comprehensive feature set make it a reliable choice for large-scale applications, especially with its frequent updates and solid security. React, with its flexibility and efficient development practices, appeals to developers aiming for high customization and quick iterations. Vue, although newer, combines the best of both worlds from Angular and React, offering a balanced approach to building modern web applications. Ultimately, each framework and library has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice should be made after careful consideration of the specific needs and goals of the project at hand.


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