Exploring the Latest Innovations in iOS App Development


May 16, 24

Reading Time

4 minutes





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2017 has been a wonderful year for iOS. Last year Apple launched three new iPhone devices, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 (Plus) and iPhone X in the market. Moreover, this global giant provided major updates on iOS 11. Apple has also improved their technical support for customers and has been very active throughout 2017. With new trends and technology, booming and influencing the whole iOS community, developers too are tuning them for their progressing and upcoming iOS app development projects. List of trends we can expect in iOS application development in 2018. Swift4: Swift programming language is seen continuously improving its place. We all know Swift one of the best and our very own Apple’s general purpose programming language that is pre-compiled for tvOS, iOS, macOS & Linux. While introducing Swift 4, Apple says, that Swift is one of the most powerful programming languages which is also very easy to learn. Swift 4 has the strengths of Swift 3, it’s just the better version of Swift 3 and has great potential for scalable & creating highly robust applications. This up gradation will help the iOS developers to create the apps faster without compromising on the security features while developing the apps. In fact, developing the application by using Swift 4 will consume less memory of your devices. Augmented Reality Apps with ToolKit: Apple introduces Augmented Reality Kit for developers, which is a framework to create AR experiences for iPad and iPhone. The Augmented Reality framework by Apple allows apps to act in such a way as to have an effect on each other with the real world in a number of ways. While the Toolkit will be compatible with iOS 11 and above editions, there is the plethora of AR SDKs for developers out there that can augment user experience by taking the apps beyond the screen. Moreover, with the launch of iOS 11, the new app store update has got a winning response. The app categorization has made it extremely easy for users to discover an app of their choice. And the Get Started with AR section will let the users easily filter out the AR apps amongst the millions of apps in the store. Core Machine Learning: Apple brought a machine learning framework, called the Core ML. Apple already uses this machine learning framework for various products like Camera, Siri & QuickType. iPhone developers can make use of this Core ML in any of the iOS applications to make it more feature rich. For this, they just have to add a few lines of code within the apps along with the framework code. Core ML comes with various libraries with the computer vision techniques to detect faces, natural language processing, and AI game development. All these 3 libraries are going to change the way we used to interact with the devices. Security will be enhanced with the apps that detect faces to operate certain functionalities. The gaming industry is actually going to see some real world gaming powers. This proves that with Core Machine Learning, iPhone developers are going to develop highly smart and interactive applications in the coming years. Advancement in Siri and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Another prominent trend of 2018 is a rise of Artificial Intelligence and Siri. Siri is a personal assistant launched by Apple. Siri is a prominent example of the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence and contextual learning in our everyday life. The trend of incorporating AI in iOS app development is here to stay. Advent of Files-Cloud Based App: With the release of iOS 11, a new app known as Files, for purpose of efficient file management has come up. This cloud-based mobile app allows a user to store all information in a single file which they can access by using any of iOS devices. This app offers a lot of conveniences to not just common users but also to huge business organizations. All you have to do is build a single dashboard for storing all your vital documents such as videos, images etc. This saves you from the hassle of searching different files from different locations. So, sharing information and being connected is being made easy by the Apple, beyond its user imagination.   Conclusion So, these are some of the trends of 2018 with reference to iOS app development which will truly impact the process of app building. It is very important to align yourself with the latest development lest you will stay behind in a race to generate more profits. For any development related queries, contact leading App Development Company for Free Consultation.


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