The 7 most common interview questions for Java Developers


May 16, 24

Reading Time

5 minutes





    Table of content
    Relinns Careers Website
  • What are the top 7 interview questions for Java Developers?
  • Conclusion
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Gone are the days when Java technical interviews were easy-peasy, and one could breeze through to the next level.

Today, hirers have pulled up their socks, leading them to evaluate their interviewees to an extent to know their potential. 

As a result, having a casual approach to one's interview is disastrous and can cause one to miss the boat!

Why is such strictness while hiring dedicated java developers rising? This rise is a by-product of an increased number of Java Developers. 

Currently, 10 million java developers globally use the programming language to develop apps for 15 billion devices that support Java.

Keeping all the above-written things in mind, resolving to prepare well for your following interview is the right decision to make. 

Additionally, knowing the answer to a few commonly asked questions while hiring dedicated java developers will be the cherry on the cake.

So let us dive into the blog and read about the seven most common interview questions for Java developers.

What are the top 7 interview questions for Java Developers?

Here we will look at the seven commonly asked questions that recruiters ask their potential java developers during interviews. But before we embark on this journey, it will be better to look at the seven broad categories to which these questions belong.

  1. Basic Java
  2. Java object-oriented programming
  3. Java Database Connectivity
  4. Spring Interview Questions
  5. Hibernate interview questions
  6. Jakarta server pages questions
  7. Java exception and thread

1. What are Java wrapper classes?

These classes convert java primitives into an object (also called reference objects). Every java primitive data type has a class dedicated to it and is called a wrapper class as it wraps a primitive data type into an object of that class.

2. What is a "Java String Pool"?

What is a “Java String Pool”

It refers to a collection of strings that are stored in heap memory. Whenever we create a new object, this string pool checks whether the object is already present in it. The same reference gets returned to the variable if the thing is already in the string pool. A new object is created in the substantial collection, and its authority is passed.

3. What are the different modules of the spring framework?

A few of the modules of the Spring framework are as follows:

Spring MVC

It is a Model-View-Controller implementation to create web apps, web services, etc.

Spring ORM 

It is used for ORM tools support. For example, Hibernate.

Spring Context 

It is used for dependency injection.

Spring Web Module 

We use it to create web apps.

Spring DAO 

It is used for database operations while making use of the DAO pattern.

Spring JDBC 

Its purpose is for the data source and JDBC support.

Spring AOP 

Its use is for aspect-oriented programming. 

4. What is a thread in Java? 

A java thread is the smallest piece of programming instructions that can be executed independently by a scheduler. Every Java program has one primary line, known as the main thread.

The Java Virtual Machine creates this main thread at the start of a program's execution. The main line invokes the "main ()" of a program.

5. Why is it not advisable to not configure JSP standard tags in web.xml? 

We should not configure JSP standards tags in web.xml because when a container loads a web app and searches for TLD files, it automatically configures them to be employed directly in the app JSP page.

We are only required to include it in the JSP page with the help of the taglib directive. 

6. Why is Java not a hundred-percent object-oriented programming language?

Why is Java not a hundred-percent object-oriented programming language

We do not consider Java a hundred-percent object-oriented programming language as it makes use of eight primitive data types, which are as follows:

  • Short
  • Float
  • Long
  • Double
  • Boolean
  • Byte
  • Char
  • Int

7. What are the JDBC API components?

What are the JDBC API components

The following are the components of JDBC API components:


  • Types
  • SQLException
  • DriverManager
  • Clob
  • Blob 


  • Statement
  • Connection
  • ResultSet
  • PreparedStatement
  • DatabaseMetaData
  • CallableStatement 
  • ResultSetMetaData 

These are the seven most common interview questions for Java developers.


Looking at the list of questions above, it is clear that employers ask questions that test a candidate's understanding of every Java concept. 

Thus, every java developer fresher must immerse themself in the subject to have a command of the programming language.

Also, one should only partially depend on these questions as Java is vast and can find numerous questions in that domain. 

The only way to tackle any tricky question during an interview is by knowing the ins and outs of Java.

There are several companies where one can intern, and Relinns Technologies is also one of them. 

Relinns Technologies is a breeding ground for the best professionals, and you can also be one of them when you opt for Relinns Technologies to do an internship!

Visit our website Relinns Technologies to know more about us if you do not intend to miss out on a learning experience filled with fun.



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