Mistakes To Avoid If You are a new .Net Programmer


May 16, 24

Reading Time

8 minutes


Career Development



    Table of content
  • Introduction
  • Relinns Careers Website
  • 10 Mistakes ASP.NET Developers Must Avoid
  • Roles And Responsibilities Of ASP.NET Developers
  • Relinns Careers Website
  • Top ASP.NET Developers’ Skills
  • Conclusion
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In today's modern technology-driven world, it is imperative that you know about companies such as Accenture, Microsoft, and Stack Overflow. However—do you know what these companies have in common? All of them use the .NET framework to create web applications. It's no secret that .NET is one of the most popular systems for developing custom applications. This open-source framework seamlessly combines Web APIs and MVC structures into a powerful tool that allows developers to design and build dynamic, responsive websites.

An extension of Microsoft's .NET Framework and languages, ASP.NET describes many web-focused techniques, markup syntaxes, and tools. ASP.NET web applications are challenging to develop because of their feature-richness, performance, and security. It is important to remember that a successful web application is not just about backend code; it combines skillful design and coding.

This article discusses subtle yet common ASP.NET programming mistakes novice developers make so that you can develop cleaner, easier-to-use web applications. Keep reading to learn more!

10 Mistakes ASP.NET Developers Must Avoid

It is almost a given fact that most ASP.NET developers have made several common mistakes at some point in their careers. Developers are bound to make mistakes, but learning from them sets them apart from the crowd.

Given below is a list of significant guidelines. However, ASP.NET developers shouldn't forget to be pedantic and pay attention to even the smallest details. Here is a list of the top 10 mistakes rookie ASP.NET developers must avoid committing:

1. Underestimation Of Workload

Developers sometimes underestimate the amount of work needed to complete a task. The most likely reason for this is that the person does not understand what the task entails.

The developer should break each of these small tasks into the smallest size possible to estimate them.

2. Premature Coding

Some developers make a big mistake by jumping into code without doing any initial analysis. A passion for completing a task most often drives this behavior. For many developers, coding is their comfort zone. There are some basics to cover before jumping into code. Developing tasks requires an understanding of their history.

3. Over-Engineered Designing

Rather than thinking about what you can do for a system, think about what it needs. Often, complicated systems could have been implemented in a much simpler manner.

Sometimes, a developer complicates things by implementing whatever he knows, regardless of whether it meets his needs. Focus on what serves your needs, analyze it, refine it, and then begin implementing it.

4. Aiming To Excel In All Areas

There is no way to achieve perfection in all aspects of the software world. The best for one factor or aspect could be the worst for another, which is why you would always need to compromise. Therefore, you must establish your priorities, rank them, and find the best way to meet your needs.

5. Hiding Problems Rather Than Resolving Them

In some cases, developers tend to find the shortest path to fixing an issue and end up hiding it rather than addressing it. It's like having a field that doesn't set at a particular time, and you keep putting it in various places to fix it. There is a possibility that you will end up with the field being set according to what was expected. Still, you may be overlooking an impending disaster. It is essential to find the root cause of an issue before you can fix it properly.

6. Ignore Logging

Developers should pay attention to logging as one of their top priorities. These are the kinds of things that you overlook until you're faced with a crisis. Most developers ignore logging into their software modules, thinking that it is a waste of time. The lesson, however, is learned the hard way when their modules fail in production.

7. Workarounds

Implementing workarounds in your code to resolve a problem or quickly deploy a change would have an adverse effect in the future, possibly sooner than you anticipate. Keep your attention on the work at hand while keeping the overall solution design in mind. Consider the effects of any modifications you make to your code.

8. Improper Code Formatting

Yes, We know that it does not directly impact your deliverables, but remember that other developers might process your code.

Therefore, even if you have no issues with the formatting of your code, other developers might.

9. Neglecting Automated Testing

These days, software systems are frequently large and intricate. Therefore, relying solely on manual testing would be a grave mistake since your system would not be resilient enough to alter quickly. You should constantly consider automated testing to ensure that automated tests cover all your business rules. Your system would be better able to withstand unexpected failures and quick modifications.

10. Fear Of Making Errors

Never hold yourself back from learning and practicing because you are afraid of making mistakes. You're going to make blunders, and that's okay. The most crucial thing is to ensure you don't repeat your errors by learning from them. Make every effort to embrace the journey of learning.

Roles And Responsibilities Of ASP.NET Developers

The roles and responsibilities that ASP.NET developers typically perform are as follows:

  • Developing top-tier applications and improving existing ones.
  • Working with front-end developers to build intuitive user interfaces.
  • Creating layers for application design and development.
  • Assisting internal team members in developing, designing, and maintaining software.
  • Keeping an eye out for bugs while writing functional code.
  • Maintaining an understanding of the most current concepts and terminologies in programming.
  • Using the .NET programming language to write clean, scalable code.
  • Defining technical specifications, interfaces, and architectures.
  • Designing and building user interfaces for clients.
  • Prototyping and testing the software.
  • Providing project management assistance to software professionals.

Top ASP.NET Developers’ Skills

These are a few top ASP.NET developers’ skills:


The ASP.NET MVC is an open-source web application development framework that provides access to client-side technologies, which allows ASP.NET developers to quickly and efficiently develop web applications.

2. Coding

Software and its applications must be appropriately coded for ASP.NET developers to provide a smooth user experience. Understanding the purpose of the code allows them to determine what new code they need to write and what existing code they can reuse.

3. Programming Languages

ASP.NET developers must be proficient in programming languages, such as:

  • C#
  • F#
  • VB.NET

It is also important for them to understand database applications, such as:

  • SQL Server
  • NoSQL
  • Oracle

4. Client-Side Technology

Skilled ASP.NET developers can diversify their skill sets and increase their employability by focusing on client-side web development. Using client-side technology, these developers can create visually appealing interfaces and easy to use.

Languages used in the technology include:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap

5. Budget Design

Top ASP.NET developers' skills enable the ability to use cost-effective measures when developing new software in understanding budget and finance management. Developers may create budgets before launching new projects to determine what resources they need and the scope of the project, as well as to reserve funds for future projects.

6. Time Management

The ability to manage time allows ASP.NET developers to meet their deadlines. Developers are responsible for organizing their tasks to complete them on time. In addition, they may manage multiple projects simultaneously.

7. Problem Solving Skills

An ASP.NET developer's problem-solving skills are essential to identifying and solving prototype issues. The developers must analyze the results of their testing as they build interfaces. Additionally, they need to determine if their projects are user-friendly.

8. Verbal Communication

The ability to communicate verbally allows ASP.NET developers to interact with people who do not have technology backgrounds. ASP.NET developers need to explain the complicated technical language in an easy-to-understand manner to promote shared understanding.


This article covered small, but unfortunately common web application mistakes. When an ASP.NET website is otherwise functioning correctly, these errors do not necessarily stop the sale, but overall accuracy is more critical. In the end, it is the details that could make the difference.

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