10 Tough To Crack PHP Internship Interview Questions


May 16, 24

Reading Time

6 minutes





    Table of content
    Relinns Careers Website
  • What are the 10 Tough to Crack PHP Internship Interview Questions?
  • Conclusion
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Do you know that there are around 5.9 million PHP developers in the world? 

Today, about 79% of all websites with server-side programming languages utilize PHP.

These numbers show that the demand for PHP developers is on the rise, and several freshers are looking forward to obtaining a PHP Internship to further their careers.

It goes without saying that anyone seeking to become a PHP developer works hard and prepares well for their PHP Internship Interview. But often, they tend to overlook some of the vital PHP Internship Interview Questions, which lowers their chances of getting selected.

To prevent you from that mess, we have compiled a list of the top 10 PHP Internship Interview Questions!

So, without wasting any time, let us dive in and read these PHP Internship Interview Questions.

What are the 10 Tough to Crack PHP Internship Interview Questions?

Here we list the top 10 Tough to Crack PHP Internship Interview Questions.

1. Name some of the functions in PHP


 Some of the PHP functions are as follows:

  1. Split () – The split() function divides a string into various elements, and the boundaries of each element are based on the occurrence of the pattern in the given string.
  2. preg_match() – The preg_match() function searches a string for a pattern. It returns true if the pattern exists and false if it does not.
  3. preg_split() – The preg_split() function works exactly like split(), except that it accepts regular expressions as input parameters for pattern.

2. What are PHP ‘Magic Methods/Functions’?

The names of all PHP functions starting with _ _ (double underscore) are magical methods or magical functions.

These methods are identified by a two-underscore prefix (_ _). 

Functions as interceptors are automatically invoked when certain conditions are met. 

PHP provides several "magic methods" that permit PHP developers to do neat tricks in object-oriented programming.

Here, we list of Magic Functions available in PHP:

  1. __destruct() __sleep()
  2. __construct() __wakeup()
  3. __call() __toString()          
  4. __get() __invoke()
  5. __set() __set_state()
  6. __isset() __clone()
  7. __unset() __debugInfo()

3. How can you encrypt the password using PHP?

How can you encrypt the password using PHP?

We can use the "crypt ()" function to create one-way encryption. It just takes one optional parameter and an input string. 

We can define the function as follows:

Crypt (input_string, number)


Here, input_string consists of the string we want to encrypt, and the number is an optional parameter. 

PHP uses DES for encryption. 

4. Why is it impossible for JavaScript and PHP to interact directly? Do you know any workarounds?

We can not have a direct interaction between JavaScript and PHP, as the former is a client-side language. 

At the same time, PHP is a server-side language. However, an indirect interaction between the two is possible by exchanging variables.

This exchange of variables is possible because of two reasons:

  1. PHP can generate JavaScript code, which any browser can execute.
  2. We can also pass a specific variable back to PHP via the URL. Also, PHP always gets executed before JavaScript. As a result, JavaScript variables ought to be passed via a form or the URL.

5. Explain the importance of the ‘Parser’

A PHP parser is a software that converts source code into something a computer can comprehend. 

This means that a PHP parser converts the set of instructions that we provide into a machine-readable format.

You use the "token_get_all" function to parse a code with PHP.

6. What are the differences between ‘Include’ and ‘Require’?

‘Include’ and ‘Require’ are constructs, and we can call them without using parentheses. 

For example—Include myfile.php

However, if you call a file that can not be found, then ‘include’ will raise a warning, and the script will continue to run. 

However, ‘require’ will raise a fatal error, stopping the script then and there. You should use ‘require’ if the script is critical.


7. What are Memcache and Memcached? Can we share a single instance of a Memcache between various PHP projects?

We define Memcached as an effective caching daemon designed to decrease dynamic web apps' database load. 

Daemons are defined as special applications that can monitor and process essential activities on a machine in the background.

Memcache module provides us with a handy procedural and object-oriented interface to Memcached.

Memcache is a memory storage space that can run on a single or several servers. Therefore, sharing a single instance of Memcache between multiple objects is feasible.


Configuring a client to speak to a distinct set of instances is also possible. As a result, we can execute two different Memcache processes on the same host if permissible. 


Despite the fact that they run on the same host, both these processes stay independent until there is a data partition. 

8. What PSR Standards do you follow? Why would you follow a PSR standard?

Coding standards are expected to vary significantly between companies and developers, which can cause issues when fixing or reviewing another developer's code.

A PSR (PHP Standard Recommendation) standard streamlines the expectations of how a piece of code should look, eliminating confusion and syntax errors. 

9. How can PHP and HTML interact?


Generating HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) through PHP scripts and passing pieces of information from HTML to PHP is possible. 

PHP is one of the server-side languages, while HTML is a client-side language. Therefore, PHP executes on the server side and gets its results, such as objects, arrays, and strings. We use them to display values in HTML. 

10. What does 'escaping to PHP' mean?

"Escaping to PHP" is a mechanism that lets the PHP parsing engine differentiate the PHP code from the other elements on the page. 

"Escaping a string "reduces ambiguity in quotes used in that string.



By now, you know some of the common PHP Internship Interview Questions that an interviewer generally asks candidates. 

Solely depending on these ten PHP Internship Interview Questions is not advisable or wise. 

Thus, working more on your skills and understanding each and every PHP-related concept is necessary.

You can try interning at any reputed company, for instance, Relinns Technologies, to groom yourself and learn how to work under pressure. 

We at Relinns Technologies nurture our interns into professionals capable of living up to the expectations of others. 

We do so while ensuring that they are comfortable at every stage of their internship period and have a healthy work environment.  

For more information on the same, visit our website: Relinns Technologies today!


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