Transform Your Workplace Safety with Digital Inspection Apps


May 16, 24

Reading Time

19 minutes





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Do you want to have your own digital inspection app because every time you have a time-consuming health and safety Excel sheet to fill in? You can have it to avoid any delay and desynchronization of data. Digital Safety Inspection Apps can save up to 50% of your time as compared to excel sheet form of inspection.

In many companies, the periodic renovations and inspections are conducted. Every organization needs to measure the safety conditions of all the workplaces trends. So, periodic inspection with the help of Digital safety inspection app involves analysis of the workplace and equipment condition and avoid any chance of manual errors, delays in report submission, real-time data access and many more. With inspection app, all these problems are hurdles in the history.

About a decade ago, the revenue generated from ever growing enterprise apps accounted for 69.5 U.S. billion dollars and by the end of 2015, the revenue bumped up to 193 U.S. billion dollars at a CAGR of 12%. Also, 66% of enterprises are increasing their investment. Further 430 billion enterprise app markets are likely to afloat by 2021.

These figures directly obligate the demand for Enterprise Apps designed for the safety of the employees.

Excel and Paper-based inspection:

The role of paper, as well as excel sheet-based surveys, facilitates inefficient data capturing which leads to complex and inadequate decision making. So, by converting excel sheets into an inspection app instilled with tech-savvy technologies like cloud computing and Internet of Things, these problems causing delay, inefficiency, and loss to productivity in an organization and can be avoided.

Safety of the workers:

All employees are entitled to work in such environments where the risks subjective to their health and safety are properly controlled.

International Labour Organization says that annually, 2.3 million workers get killed by occupational accidents whereas 651,279 deaths occur due to the adverse effects of the hazardous working environment worldwide. Overall, the direct and indirect costs suffered by companies due to such accidents is estimated to be around the US $2.8 trillion.

So, every worker is entitled to several workplace rights one of them is a safe work environment. We are efficient in the development of digital checklist mobile apps to escalate the workplace safety for your employees.

Breach of security:

The risk and cost of data breach continue to grow in every organization. Last year, the average total loss suffered by the companies due to the data breach was around $3.62 million. But the extensive implementation of encryption and IoT can cut the costs by $13 per capita.

We can deliver a highly secure SSL encrypted Enterprise App optimized to run your business risk-free.

High Maintenance cost of equipment:

The industries suffer high maintenance costs due to lack of supervision in the inspection process. The excel based tick and check style fail to analyze the complexity of a situation. Thus, high maintenance cost imposed on the reparation of devices and installation of new technology aided machines. Thus, periodic digital inspection improves the quality and condition of the equipment.

Safety Inspection App will improve the Organization's performance:


Keeping a checklist is important. The checklist helps to clarify the organization's responsibilities and provide a complete record of inspection activities.

Open Communication:

Perhaps the greatest advantage that enterprise apps bring is the high boost of efficiency and morale. Enterprise Apps lets schedule tasks by deadlines and share important information with other employees, breaking the barriers of communication. Thus, a happy working environment is maintained in the organization.

Safety and security of employees:


With the help of digital checklist solutions, the touchscreen menus and image capturing features ease the collection and submission of data reports of a workplace. By improvising the efficiency, the management shields the health and safety of workers making the organization more productive. Better Decision Making:

The digital checklist app allows digital transformation of enterprises by saving the utility time and money, reducing manual errors, improved data quality and decisions. Continuous real-time data makes management more productive. With the enterprise apps, the analysis of data is easy something that enables organizations to intelligent decision making.

Automation of workflow:

These enterprise app solutions stimulate autonomous workflow in a company. You don't need to visit and fetch forms from the office. Instead, the information is sent directly on your Inspection App. With the help of Google Maps, you can easily find short routes, thus, daily inspections can be scheduled more efficiently. You can inspect and send visually appealing data any time and from anywhere. By going digital, you can take pictures of the inspection's place, easily store data in your device and auto sync data with the admin sitting in the office. Thus, the organization will be able to process the data right away. Thus, continuing the growth of the organization.

If you have an idea to transform into an Enterprise App, We at Relinns can offer you everything you need to develop a powerful app that will boost ROI and the organization's efficiency.

Choose a wide range of solutions for your inspection issues. Explore the spectrum of features like SSL, cloud computing, IoT to create a customized app for your need.

  • Digital signatures to authenticate the data collected by a supervisor.
  • Cloud and mobile solutions for easy and fast synchronization of data with admin panel.
  • Digital Checklists to obtain data to simplify inspection at complex workplaces.
  • In-built GPS enables check-ins for admins, supervisors and finding a location optimizes the workflow.
  • SSL encrypted Enterprise Application to abstain your confidential data from online attacks.
  • These business solutions can be accessed anytime, any place.

Are you looking for a way to convert excel sheets into an inspection app that can save both time and money? Transform Digitally with our efficient Digital Inspection solutions which will perfectly suit your company's demands, Just like our happy client Surface performance did!


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