Essential Skills Every MEAN Stack Developer Must Master


May 16, 24

Reading Time

7 minutes





    Table of content
  • Introduction
  • What is MEAN Stack?
  • Relinns Careers Website
  • Components of MEAN Stack
  • Relinns Careers Website
  • Essential skills that a MEAN Stack developer must be familiar with
  • Conclusion
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Without question, Javascript has taken the top spot in both front-end and back-end web development. With new JS tools and frameworks being released every day. Because so many brand-new, sparkly resources are constantly being released, Javascript developers frequently switch between different frameworks. The MEAN stack developer, which consists of MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js, has been one "stack" of Javascript tools that have remained useful in recent years.

To stay up with the continually evolving nature of web development, a competent full-stack MEAN developer still needs to possess skills and an understanding of various tools.

What is MEAN Stack?

What is MEAN Stack?

It comprises MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js as its four main components. A NoSQL database system without a schema is MongoDB. A Node.js framework called Express is used to build dynamic webpages and applications.

The AngularJS framework from Google is a JavaScript framework, while Node.js is an on-the-server JavaScript execution environment. The MEAN stack is an excellent option for any web development aimed at the cloud because of its adaptability, clarity of language, and scalability. 

These characteristics make it perfect for building quick and reliable web apps. Developers may create applications in one language for server-side, and client-side execution contexts since all MEAN stack support tools are written in JavaScript.

Although the LAMP stack and other well-known web development stacks are frequently directly compared, the MEAN stack's components are higher-level. They include a web application presentation layer rather than an operating system layer.

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Components of MEAN Stack

Components of MEAN Stack


The MEAN stack's database component is MongoDB. A document in this NoSQL database functions similarly to an object. It is written in Go, Javascript, Python, and C++. It is platform-agnostic and document-oriented. It is quick and has a lot of unstructured data handling capacity. The program is open source.


Express.js is a licensed open-source web development framework for the back-end NodeJS tool. It is utilized to create application programming interfaces and web applications (APIs). It is applied to programs that have servers that watch for client-side connection requests. It houses projects for node.js.


Angular.js is the front-end framework component. It is a web development tool that is open-source and licensed. Google created it to address problems with single-page applications. You may use AngularJS to create both web and mobile applications. It is simple to learn and use and accepts HTML as its template language.

Suggested Reading: How to Secure an Angular Developer Job: Essential Skills


Node.js is a component of the MEAN stack's back-end framework. It is a web development tool that is open-source and licensed. It is an environment for running Javascript that is independent of a browser. It is portable, effective, and independent of platforms. It is one of the best tools for real-time applications. It is employed in the creation of network and server-side applications.

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Essential skills that a MEAN Stack developer must be familiar with

Essential skills that a MEAN Stack developer


Fluency in JavaScript is one of the obvious but essential key skills for MEAN stack developers. It is a web-based scripting language that can modify and update HTML and CSS. It can inspect, manipulate, and validate data effectively and efficiently because it is the more intelligent programming language. It is the best tool available for giving a website a dynamic feel.

JavaScript is most frequently used to dynamically modify HTML and CSS to update content and create interactive maps. Also, you can create menus, video players, animated images, illustrations, or other graphics. A MEAN Stack developer should ideally have a solid understanding of how to write functions, work with the DOM, and create objects without the aid of outside programs.


The structure of a web page is determined by HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language). The creation of web apps uses this markup language. A language called CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) can aid in improving the presentation of online pages. Make sure you are proficient in these two languages and are familiar with the fundamental HTML tags and CSS codes before attempting to tackle React. 

You may make a functional website with HTML and CSS alone, but JavaScript makes a website stand out. A web page can look more attractive and exciting by adding a few small Java programs here and there.

Suggested Reading: How and where to find a CSS entry level job in Chandigarh?

Research skills

Research is essential for developing creative solutions that result in high-quality outcomes. You may build a roadmap that is error-free by conducting a thorough study. You are expected to conduct in-depth technical research on your end as a MEAN stack developer before beginning any executions. 

Why is research so important to the whole procedure? It aids programmers in being ready for any unforeseen bugs that may arise while the program is being developed. If developers have the answers available, identifying, analyzing, and resolving these issues will be much easier. After identifying a specific issue, users can use Google or Stack Overflow to see how others have resolved similar issues in the past.


MEAN stack's initial letter (M) stands for MongoDB. It is a free, cross-platform open-source database tool that encourages effective documentation. It falls under the NoSQL database category and enables developers to store documents that resemble JSON with optional schemas.

In its most basic sense, MongoDB makes it much simpler for developers to index and reference the recurring elements that enter playtime and again during the development process. It includes elements such as blog posts and user and product information that must be shared with the entire back-end team, to mention a few.

Suppose they are given the primary back-end development duties. In that case, an expert MEAN Stack is anticipated to be skilled at writing queries for MongoDB.


Express is a thin layer of functionalities gradually added to Node.js without interfering with or lessening its functionality. The framework has a substantial feature set and integrates quickly with various template engines, including Jade, Vash, EJS, etc. Its main objective is to enable developers to quickly and securely create efficient mobile, web, and API applications.

Instead of writing a hundred lines of nested HTTP and URL answers, MEAN Stack developers familiar with Express.js should be able to construct a routing tree in a few lines of code. The middleware modules' ability to carry out extra request and response operations will be extremely helpful to them.


The letter A in the MEAN stack stands for AngularJS, a Google-created front-end JavaScript framework. Among developers, AngularJS is one of the most well-liked frameworks. Thanks to its community of top-notch plugins and great documentation, it is a favorite option among front-end developers. Another crucial element in its appeal is its modularity characteristic.

It allows web designers to create multiple modules for a single online application easily. It also acknowledges the need to create a new module to combine it with already-developed application modules.


MEAN Stack's second letter stands for Node.js. It is a multi-platform, open-source server environment. Because it is entirely built on JavaScript, developers can easily track, manage, and motor data and responses between the client and server sides. Even though it's only a small portion of the process, it's crucial to creating web applications of practically all sizes. When it comes to running JavaScript code outside of a web browser, it excels.


Git is open-source software that helps small and large projects grow and operate more efficiently. It enables developers to save changes to a project rapidly and roll back to earlier versions when a flaw is found. It can be challenging to master Git, but if they are proficient, developers can commit, push, and pull changes in the development environment, saving time and effort.

MEAN Stack developers need to be swift in tracking and keeping track of changes made to project files, such as documents, applications, codes, websites, and other files. Additionally, to take advantage of the numerous opportunities in terms of productivity, administration, efficiency, and security, they must be conversant with all fundamental Git commands.


MEAN stack is here to stay with great compensation and fantastic growth chances. The majority of developers in this industry go on to become technical architects. Mean stack developers are in high demand in virtually every firm since they are skilled at creating website frameworks. The much-needed technology of the future is unquestionably MEAN.

Contact us today to hire the easy to work with MEAN developers that can wield technology to manifest your success

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